How do I buy Ribbon? - marshcoding - 码可迪中国官方商城

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How do I buy Ribbon?

Purchasing ActiveCore™ Ribbon for your Marsh 241D Coder.

In order to buy ribbon for your Marsh 241D Coder, you must first create an account with This can be achieved directly on the website or using the Marsh 241D Android application. Read ‘How do I create an account?’ for more details concerning account creation.

The easiest way to purchase Marsh ActiveCore™ Ribbon is to use the Marsh 241D App.

Once you have created a account you can purchase ribbon on the website directly or using the app buy clicking the ‘Purchase Ribbon’ button on the User Account page.


When purchasing Marsh ActiveCore™ Ribbon please ensure you select the correct ribbon width for your Marsh 241D coder.

To view the full 'buy ribbon' process , please access our  Document Library - just Sign In (or Register first, if you haven't already) and then select 'Buy and Allocate Ribbon'.